NOTE: Kindly create a new account if it has been since your last renewal or sign-in.

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Global Safety + Subscription

Gain access to Global Safety's comprehensive resources with our $88 per year all-access pass

Unlock premium features at an affordable yearly rate and gain access to all courses for EE-98J, EL-1J, NFPA, and more. Enjoy our new portal with premium support and PSI assistance. With our subscription, you'll receive access to monthly mini courses, a comprehensive archive of past courses and certifications, a file repository, complete payment history and receipts, automated reminders for upcoming renewals, and much more.

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IBEW 611 Members

Are you a member in good standing of IBEW Local 611

Sign up now, and if your verification is successful, your CEUs are fully covered with no reimbursement needed. You can take them at your convenience, and Global Safety will handle billing directly with the union.
Sign up now, and if your verification is successful, your CEUs are fully covered with no reimbursement needed. You can take them at your convenience, and Global Safety will handle billing directly with the union.

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